Monday, December 30, 2019

The Theme of Love Essay - 2246 Words

The Theme of Love â€Å"Romantic love, physical love, unrequited love, obsessive love.† Compare the ways the poets have written about the theme of love, bringing out different aspects of it. In the six poems I have studied, I see a wide range of different types of love mentioned. I will be looking at 3 poems in depth. These are: â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†, written by Robert Browning, â€Å"My Last Duchess†, written by the Duke of Ferrara and â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, written by Andrew Marvell. When it comes to romantic love, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† contains some elements of it. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† also includes aspects of physical love. When it comes to unrequited love, â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† and â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† hold a large scale in†¦show more content†¦Both poems have no stanzas. This has a sense of narrative and has the story unfolding. â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† is a poem set in the 1970s, in a warm and safe cottage, where there would seem to be comfort. However, outside the weather is stormy and angry where mayhem is approaching. The â€Å"sullen† wind and the†vexed† lake are images/metaphors that, not only, describe the setting but what is on the narrator’s mind. Outside it is windy and stormy; the weather is reflecting the sense of the narrator’s feelings and mood, which in this case, is anger and violent. Porphyria is linked to the storm as she thinks it is a safe place to get away from it, when really she is making matters worse by going into the cottage. The storm shows a churn of danger in the horizon. There is then a change of atmosphere at lines 6, where it describes Porphria making herself at home, not knowing her fate. The speaker/Lover is monitoring Porphyria’s action and is making awareness of what she is doing. He explains everything methodically. He lists the order of tasks she does: she shuts out the cold, kneels down, makes a fire, takes off her coat, and sits by his side. This can be seen as obsessive, as he is observing everything she is does. During the poem, after Porphyria has made herself comfortable, she seems to try and seduce him by: â€Å"She put my arm about herShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Love And Hate1443 Words   |  6 PagesLove and hate are both an occurring theme in both Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. In this essay I will be comparing the similarities and differences of the way that the two texts portray the feeling of love and hate. The essay will be divided into different topics that I will be comparing, these following topics will be: death, passion, betrayal and one more. Romeo and Juliet was a play that was written by the famous English poet, playwright William Shakespeare whoseRead MoreTheme in Shakespeare in Love1207 Words   |  5 Pageslearning about in the text. Explain why it was worth learning about. John Madden’s Shakespeare in love is a ‘romantic comedy’ set in sixteenth century England. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau Essay - 723 Words

A huge dimension of our wellness and culture as humans, our spirituality, is affected by nature. Nature, in its grandeur, has inspired theological thought in many people. A particular movement in history that exemplified this was Transcendentalism. Two particularly famous transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s renowned essay, â€Å"Nature† demonstrates the transcendentalists’ fascination with the natural world and their belief in its divinity. A fantastic quote from â€Å"Nature† is â€Å"Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years.† In this quote, Emerson refers to nature as â€Å"God’s plantation†, which clearly shows his belief, which is shared by many transcendentalists, that nature is holy and connected to God. Henry David Thoreau’s classic book Walden demonstrates similar ideas. Perhaps the most famous quote from the book is â€Å"I went to the woods to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.† (Thoreau 182) The idea that going to nature allows one to â€Å"live deliberately† and understand the â€Å"essential facts of life† in essence means that one can develop a true understanding of life through observation and life in nature. The transcendentalists’ beliefs were based in nature. Many others in theShow MoreRelatedRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau971 Words   |  4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were the giants during the 19th century American Transcendentalism movement. Their influential work brought upon shared beliefs on concerning spiritual perspectives, government interference, and the ideology of cultural values in American society. Na ture has a multitude of meaning if looked at it from all angles, but deeper within nature is the reflection of what you exert while in it. However they agree on the human condition, the two authors speak withRead MoreRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1336 Words   |  6 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most influential writers of the Nineteenth Century. They influenced the American society and future writers to become an individual through their own writings. Transforming a movement known as Transcendentalism, both Emerson and Thoreau used this simple idea of nature, society and individualism to their advantage. Both used this simple idea to not only understand themselves, but also the world around them. Emerson and Thoreau held many ofRead MoreHenry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson1604 Words   |  7 Pagespar. 1) Henry David Thoreau reminds us about the importance of simplicity, authenticity, and downright disobedience. Born July 12 , 1817, just west of Boston in Concord, Massachusetts, his father operated a pencil factory and his mother rented rooms out to boarders. Thoreau graduated in 1837 from Harvard College, but did not take on assumed careers in law or medicine, he went on into education. After a failed attempt at teaching he befriended American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson was aRead MoreHenry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson1992 Words   |  8 PagesHenry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, a group of transcendentalists who brought great ideals with them through the mid 1800’s. Their philosophy stated that people needed to stay true to themselves and their own ideas, not those of society. One essay where Thoreau thoroughly exemplifies this is in Civil Disobedience. Throughout this essay, Thoreau tries to show his point that even though the government consists of more people, it will not always be correct. This means that the majority doesRead MoreTranscendentalism : Henry D avid Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson847 Words   |  4 Pagespower or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two transcendentalists that have different views on freedom. Our project, representing freedom, shows a person how to live his or her life in a way of freedom shown by Emerson and Thoreau. Together, we did research on the transcendentalists: Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We studied these men in the essays that we learned about during class. We found someRead MoreTranscendentalism And Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau807 Words   |  4 Pagesfamous ambassadors, Ralph Waldo Emerson and apprentice Henry David Thoreau. These men believed nature is what forces us not to depend on other ideas but to develop our own. Born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 25, 1803 as the fourth child in a family of eight, Ralph Waldo Emerson was brought up in an atmosphere where seven of his ancestors were ministers, and his father, William Emerson (who died when Emerson was eight), was minister of the First Church (Unitarian) of Boston. Emerson graduated in 1821Read MoreComparing Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau892 Words   |  4 Pagesand times in which they live. In the essay â€Å"Self Reliance† by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, the authors speak out against conformity and materialism in society. Both were romanticism authors during the 1800s. They focused on simplicity and individuality. Both writings can advise teenagers today on the importance of non-conformity and the value of rejecting materialism. In â€Å"Self Reliance†, Emerson discusses being one’s own person and not allowing society to moldRead MoreTranscendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau967 Words   |  4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most inspiring and accomplished writers to ever walk upon this Earth. They dared to question how people lived and how people should live. They were light years ahead of their time with their transcendentalist ideas. Transcendentalism can be defined by this quote, â€Å"People... have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that transcends... what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel†(History). This is a perfect explanation forRead MoreAnalysis Of Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1183 Words   |  5 Pagesby the means of the senses. As the two most prominent figures in the transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau whole-heartedly embrace the principles of n ature through different means and individually argue for the notion of individuality and self-expression in the writings of â€Å"solitude† (Thoreau) and â€Å"Nature† (Emerson). In the beginning of Chapter one of â€Å"Nature,† Emerson describes the notion of solitude as emerging oneself into nature and leaving behind all preoccupyingRead More Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism730 Words   |  3 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism Transcendentalism was a movement in writing that took place in the mid-nineteenth century. It formed in the early to mid nineteenth century and reached it climax around 1850 during an era commonly referred to as the American Renaissance, America’s Golden Day, or the Flowering of New England. The basic tenets of Transcendentalism involve the relationships between one’s self and the world at large. First, the search

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Free Essays

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Abstraction One of the ways to larn the linguistic communication better is holding a good warm up activity. This paper aims to look into the effects of warm up as a category room activity in larning 2nd linguistic communication. It is traveling to hold a critical survey, and over position of some books and essays about this activity. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper attends to supply the definition of warm up as an activity before the lesson. Then, it is traveling to detect that how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? It is likely traveling to happen that holding a good warm up activity helps pupils to put for the new lesson. Cardinal words: Warm up activity, 2nd linguistic communication, larning procedure Introduction Warm up is one of the good methods for ESL pupils to larn the 2nd linguistic communication better. This paper introduces the construct of warm up as an activity which attracts pupil ‘s attending and helps them to concentrate on the subject. Literary reappraisal An interesting manner of get downing a lesson could be utilizing activities called warm-up activities or ice-breakers ( Robertson A ; Acklam, 2000 ) . Teacher could get down warm up activity by utilizing some games, inquiring inquiries and holding treatments which all should be related to the subject or lesson. A warm up activity could assist a instructor to acknowledge the different types of pupil ‘s learning manner. Harmonizing to Cardenas ( 2001 ) , â€Å" Students learn best when they can turn to cognition in ways that they trust. They will larn best through making instead than reflecting † . Therefore, instructor could utilize different manners like drama, presentation, treatment, and wholly we could state by action. A warm up activity helps pupils to set aside any distractions which are in their head and focal point on subject, and it helps ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication. Harmonizing to Peterson ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Get downing your lesson programs with a five minute warm up can function to concentrate your pupils on the subject, open up originative thought and aid to use the acquisition in new ways † . Purpose of the survey This paper assesses the impact of warm up on ESL pupils and purposes to analyze the effects of this activity on the acquisition procedure. It is traveling to analyze these inquiries: 1 ) what are the effects of warm up activity? , and 2 ) how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Which offers two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. Therefore, this paper is traveling to research the replies of these two inquiries and so it will detect which hypotheses are right. Method In progress this paper mentions two inquiries which are traveling to explicate in this subdivision. This paper by utilizing critical reappraisal about warm up provides the following replies to these inquiries ; 1 )What are the effects of warm up activity? This paper propounds five of import effects for warm up which are explained below. 1 ) Make a friendly environment. A brief warm up activity can construct a relationship between the pupils and the acquisition stuffs ( Hasan A ; Akhand, 2013 ) .Warm up plants as an ice ledgeman ; it helps pupils to be comfy with the environment and their schoolmates. 2 ) Attract pupil ‘s attending. Walqui ( 2006 ) provinces, â€Å" by concentrating pupil ‘s attending on the chief thoughts, teacher first prepares the pupils for prosecuting them in synergistic undertakings to pattern † ( p.169 ) . A five or ten minute warm up attracts the pupil ‘s attending toward the lesson and besides being physically in the category it helps them being mentally in the schoolroom, excessively. 3 ) Activate the pupil ‘s background cognition. Rumelhart ( 1980 ) provinces, â€Å" we comprehend something merely when we can associate it to something we already know-only when we can associate the new experience to an bing cognition construction † ( as cited in Carrell, 1983, p.82 ) . Students might bury the things which they have learned from the last category or session. Hence, a warm up activity could trip their background cognition ; things they already know or learned. 4 ) Think in English and concentrate on the subject. Kay ( 1995 ) claims that warm ups are different types of activities which help the pupils begin to believe in English, reappraisal antecedently introduced stuffs and go interested in the lesson ( as cited in Velandia, 2008, p. 11 ) . A warm up activity could assist ESL pupils to get down believing in 2nd linguistic communication and bury any distractions and concentrate on the new subject or lesson. 5 ) Increase pupil ‘s engagement. Warm-up activities like gag, game, and perplex set up a positive acquisition environment and do the pupils comfy to take part in the schoolroom ( Joshi, 2006 ) . When a instructor uses warm up, because of its gratifying and interesting characteristic, pupils attends to take part or take topographic point in that activity. Students like to be involved in such an astonishing warm up activity ; it builds a sense of community inside them. Now this paper answers the 2nd inquiry which is: 2 )How could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Learning procedure is facilitated through constructing a positive relationship with the pupils. A merriment or interesting category mostly depends on the instructors as their personality and learning method actuate the pupils to raise a positive attitude towards larning ( Krishnan A ; Hoon, 2002 ) . Because of all those effects that warm up activity has on ESL pupils, it is obvious that warm up undertaking could impact the acquisition procedure, excessively. Following is a diagram which displays the effects of warm up undertaking briefly. img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src="" img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""/ Diagram: effects of warm up activity Discussion/conclusion This paper, in the intent of the survey, states two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. The first 1 is acceptable because it is right and existent, but the 2nd 1 is reject able because it could assist pupils to set away any distractions but when we use warm up activity, it is a reappraisal of what they learned. Hence, they could non bury whatever they learned. In amount up, this paper gets to the point that warm up activity is the best manner for believing in mark linguistic communication, puting for the new lesson, concentrating on the subject, and pulling the attending. Therefore, it should be short, interesting, related to the subject, and be at the pupils level or somewhat above ( i+1 ) to hold their consequence in larning the 2nd linguistic communication. Mentions Akther, A. ( 2014 ) .Role of Warm-up Activity in Language Classroom: A Tertiary Scenario. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // sequence=1 Hasan, M. K. , A ; Akhand, M. M. ( 2013 ) .Schemes for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 ( 2 ) , 1-14. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Pakdel Estaikhbijari, Z. A ; Khodareza, M. ( 2012 ) .The Effects of Warm-up Tasks on the Persian EFL Students ‘ Writing Ability. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Peterson, D. ( 2010 ) .Warm-Up Exercises. [ Online ] Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( September 17, 2010 ) Velandia, R. ( 2008 ) .The Role of Warming Up Activities in Adolescent Students’ Involvement During the English Class. Profile Journal, 10, 9-26. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Walqui, A. ( 2006) . Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual Model. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9 ( 2 ) , 159- 180. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Walqui.pdf Joshi, M. ( 2006 ) .Diverseness in Lecture-Delivery. Journal of NELTA, 11 ( 1-2 ) , 1-151. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Krishnan, L. A. , A ; Hoon, L. H. ( 2002 ) .Diaries: hearing to ‘voices’ from the multicultural schoolroom. ELT Journal, 56 ( 3 ) , 227-239. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // sid=c6d03ada-4f81-4786- 819c-78335f7f594a Cardenas, M. L. ( 2001 ) .Reacting to Children ‘s Learning Styles. How, 8, 17-22. Robertson, C. , A ; Acklam, R. ( 2000 ) .Action Plan for Teachers a usher to learning English. London, UK: BBC World Service. Kay, C. ( 1995 ) .Scott Foresman English series. Baltimore, Maryland: Scott Foresman. Carrell, P. L. ( 1983 ) .Some Issues in Analyzing the Role of Schemata, or Background Knowledge, in Second Language Comprehension. Reading in a foreign linguistic communication, 1 ( 2 ) , 81-92. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Entrepreneurship Report FoodieFit Business †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship Report FoodieFit Business. Answer: Introduction Entrepreneurship is the form of exploring the different things with different people. The term eliminates the stereotypical conceptualized model used in the business process. The three crucial characteristics, such as risk taking, venturing, and innovations, are the major components of entrepreneurship business (Schaper et al., 2014). The entrepreneurship businesses are sometimes conceptualized as the professional application of the skills, knowledge, and competencies of introducing new ideas. The study will discuss the launch of FoodieFit, offers the healthy meal services to the corporate across the Mauritius market. The study will present the identification, description, and analysis of the opportunities. The recognition of the business suitability will be disclosed in this study to determine the successive progress of this entrepreneurship business. FoodieFit is the entrepreneurship business that offers the healthy meal services to the corporate people in Mauritius. It is often noticed that people stay busy due to their tight schedule at office. They usually work in a shift from 8/9o clock in the morning due to which they hardly find time to prepare healthy diets for their breakfast or lunch. Apart from this Tiffin delivery services, FooodieFit has been offering the healthy diet advices to the business corporate. Currently, people are much conscious about the healthy diet. However, due to the busy work schedule, they are unable to prepare the healthy food. The company is focusing on such requirements and delivering the healthy food for breakfast and lunch. People can order for the food as per their convenience and it will be delivered within time. Opportunity Recognition process It is to be indicated that opportunities are created by building different innovative ideas and entrepreneurial activities. The environment of the entrepreneurs usually cannot be altered much significantly. However, it is also noticed that some of the people make their choices to launch new business entity by recognizing the opportunities (Richter, Kraus and Syrj 2015). Simultaneously, they need to face some of the external constraints related to the economic parameter. In such cases, it is necessary to identify the right opportunity and establish the business according to such consequences. In case of FoodieFit, it has been noted that the business people in Mauritius are unable to schedule their time for preparing healthy meals. However, they even need to continue with their daily official works. In addition to this, some of the people even prefer diverse foods that are sometimes unavailable in the local market. The entrepreneur company recognizes such opportunities to sell the meal s to these business officials for their breakfast and lunches. The company has even set up the online store in which the target customers can order to get their food delivered in a proper place and within the time. Hence, it can be stated that the company can earn much profitability by developing this food delivery business in the Mauritius market. Description of the Opportunity In order to launch a new business in a country, it is necessary to pay the attention to the economic structure in a specific way (Chen and Zhang 2015). Once the opportunity is identified, it is essential to describe them in a structured way. The business opportunities for the entrepreneurs are mainly based on three basic criteria. The first and foremost demands of the opportunity description are to recognize the need or the problem. The business is needed to be structured in order to resolve the addressed problem. The need and demands are always intangible (Shrader and Hills 2015). Hence, it is necessary to address and resolve the identified issues by launching the necessary product or services. In order to avail the opportunities, it is essential to develop the innovative business ideas that can satisfy the needs and the demands of the target customers. The customers usually seek for the value added services and the convenient services from the company (Gartner, Carter and Hills 2016). Therefore, it is essential to keep the concentration on the best business features that cannot be replicated by other competitors. Description of the target market is essential for every entrepreneurship businesses. An entrepreneur usually builds up the idea of establishing the business entity that can satisfy the demands of the customers and ensure profitability for long run (Maine, Soh and Dos Santos 2015). Hence, it is essential to set the target market and develop the product or service as per their needs and convenience. These three major factors are essential for an entrepreneurship business in terms of availing the market opportunities. In case of FoodieFit, it has been noted that the target customer is the business professionals who face trouble in preparing healthy food due to lack of time. They usually end up having high-calorie food for their breakfast and lunch. However, it is essential for them to consumer the healthy food to stay fit and competitive. Therefore, the company has the significant opportunity to deliver the demanding foods to these business professionals by keeping focus on the healthy diets. Moreover, the company is also focusing on providing the healthy diet charts to these business professionals for keeping them fit. The identification of the sources to take the orders is necessary for the company. In such cases, the online media would be much preferable. People can order their breakfast or lunch through online sites, and the foods will be delivered to the customers. Such conv enience would be much attractive to the target customers. The advancements of the technologies are even enhancing the scope of sustaining and increasing the business market shares for the entrepreneurs. Therefore, the business has the significant opportunities to launch the business. Analysis of the Opportunity It is already mentioned that the opportunities are needed to be created by ensuring the sufficient resources and capabilities of the business (Mainela, Puhakka and Servais 2014). The business market demands the fulfillment of the customers needs, organizing the internal activities, and earning profitability for the business growth. The FoodieFit is launched for delivering the healthy foods for breakfasts and lunches for the business professionals in Mauritius. The company also attempts to provide the healthy diet charts to these business professionals since they are much conscious about their health. However, one of the major factors that the entrepreneurship business needs to be concerned about is the market feasibility (cs, Autio and Szerb 2014). It is essential for the business to understand the economic structure of the market. Moreover, the acceptability of the business in the market is also necessary to be recognized. Hence, this section of the study will recognize the feasibil ity of the Mauritius market structure for launching this food delivery business by FoodieFit. The analysis of the market and the economic structure will be discussed in this section of the study. Accordingly, the study will also highlight whether this entrepreneurship business will be able to grow in this market for long run or not. Industry/ Market Currently, Mauritius is supporting the women rights to earn by establishing their entrepreneurship businesses, be it delivering the Tiffin services or clothes. The Mauritius government is recognizing the current trends on the market that may help in growing economy of the country. The people in the country are much concerned about their health. They prefer the healthy and nutritious food (Kumar 2015). However, the current competition in the business markets does not allow them to invest more time on preparing the healthy food for the breakfasts and lunches. Therefore, there are the demands of healthy Tiffin services. There is the high demand of the Tiffin or nutritious food delivery services for the business professionals. However, it is noted that the people in Mauritius prefer lower price of the products and services due to the lower economy growth. Hence, while structuring the new business entity, it is necessary to understand the market feasibility and the demands of the customer s (Smith, Halton, and Strachan 2014). Moreover, the sequential parameter of the customers preferences is also necessary to be developed. The use of the online media and online sites for ordering foods and clothes is also in trend. Therefore, the food delivery services will be operated via online mediums. Economics It is reported that the economic structure of Mauritius market grew only 3% in the year of 2015. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed that if the country can undertake the sound economic policies, it would favor the medium-term outlook in a significant way. It is significantly noticed that various challenges are the reasons behind the slow growth of Mauritius economy. The market has the sensitive pricing structure (Beedessee, Ramanjooloo and Marie 2015). The purchasers often have to give the best effort to find the best deal of the use of the products or the services. The current market is highlighting the growing trend by providing the best services or products at lowest prices. In fact, it has been observed that the disposable income is in the verge of declining that has been leading the customers towards become more cautious about the spending behaviour ( 2017). As a result, some of the projects have been facing the recognizable challenges in main taining the proper financial structure (Vossenberg 2013). However, there is the solution for mitigating the issues faced by the financial sectors of the country. The increasing level of the entrepreneurship businesses and the confidence in the business growth can remarkably increase the economic growth in Mauritius ( 2017). Similarly, FoodieFit needs to develop the e-business at the initial stage to minimize the venture costs and increase the profit parameter. If the company can deal through the online websites, it will be much cost-effective. In fact, the company even needs to pay attention towards the pricing structure of the foods that depends on the economic parameter of the entire Mauritius. Personal Criteria The identification of the market trend and economic structure highlights the feasibility of opening this entrepreneurship business. However, apart from paying attention towards such factors, it is necessary to keep the focus on several personal criteria as well. The company has the significant opportunity to deliver the demanding foods to these business professionals by keeping focus on the healthy diets. For example, the business needs to consider the target market, the budget, and the selected medium for business promotions. FoodieFit is aiming to provide the food services to the working professionals who have lesser time to prepare the healthy foods for their breakfast. The target market for the business is thus the business class people who are much conscious about the healthy diet. This entrepreneurship company has decided to invest MUR150000- MUR200000 for establishing the venture. The budget will be utilized for purchasing the ingredient to prepare the food, delivery charges, the shipping facilities, ventures, the online websites, and the promotional activities (Boso et al. 2016). On the other hand, the selection of the relevant promotional media is also necessary to spread the awareness among the target customer group (Lundstrm et al. 2014). The business may establish the online official websites for providing the information to the business officials. The leaflet type menu cards can be handed over to the corporate areas in Mauritius. The positive word of mouth will also help the business to spread awareness among the corporates or the working professionals in Mauritius. Conclusions The entire study determines that FoodieFit has the sheer opportunity to establish the entrepreneurship business in Mauritius market. However, the slow growth of the economy can be the obstacle for expecting the future growth. The problem can be resolved if the entrepreneurship businesses are established. In such cases, it is necessary for FoodFit to keep the prices lower. The company aims to provide the healthy meal to the working professionals or corporates across Mauritius. In addition to this, the company would also provide the healthy diet advices to the corporates for their healthy living. In order to avail the opportunities underlying the market, it is essential to identify the market opportunities and the fruitful techniques to avail these opportunities in a significant way. References cs, Z.J., Autio, E. and Szerb, L., 2014. National systems of entrepreneurship: Measurement issues and policy implications.Research Policy,43(3), pp.476-494. Beedessee, G., Ramanjooloo, A. and Marie, D.E., 2015. Marine natural products research in Mauritius: progress and challenges.Marine Chemistry,170, pp.23-28. Boso, N., Oghazi, P., Cadogan, J.W. and Story, V.M., 2016. Entrepreneurial and market-oriented activities, financial capital, environment turbulence, and export performance in an emerging economy.Journal of Small Business Strategy,26(1), p.1. Chen, X. and Zhang, S., 2015, April. Promotion of the Opportunity Entrepreneurship to Improve Employment Effect. In2015 International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Medicine. Atlantis Press. Gartner, W.B., Carter, N.M. and Hills, G.E., 2016. 7. The language of opportunity1.Entrepreneurship as Organizing: Selected Papers of William B. Gartner, p.218., 2017. Talking Business: Insight into the Mauritian economy. [online] How We Made It In Africa. Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr. 2017]. Kumar, B.N., 2015. Public Policy Formulation in Three Selected Sectors of an Emerging Economy Case Mauritius.Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences,2(3), p.153. Lundstrm, A., Vikstrm, P., Fink, M., Meuleman, M., G?odek, P., Storey, D. and Kroksgrd, A., 2014. 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Opportunity Recognition: Perceptions of Highly Successful Entrpreneurs.Journal of Small Business Strategy,14(2), pp.92-108. Smith, N., Halton, A. and Strachan, J. eds., 2014.Transitioning to a Green Economy: Political Economy of Approaches in Small States. Commonwealth Secretariat. Vossenberg, S., 2013. Women Entrepreneurship Promotion in Developing Countries: What explains the gender gap in entrepreneurship and how to close it.Maastricht School of Management, pp.1-27.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Planning functions

Planning is a decision making process. It helps one to decide on what to do and how to do it. There are six steps to follow when planning. First and foremost, one has to analyze the situation. Two constraints are very important at this stage and they are time and resources. Gathering of information and interpreting is done at this stage. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Planning functions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Also, a summary of all the relevant information is done. Identification and diagnosing planning assumptions is done. In addition issues and problems are identified. The second step is having alternative goals and plans. Alternative goals that can be implemented later are provided. It also gives plans used to implement the goals. Thirdly, evaluation of goals and plans is done. Advantages and disadvantages on alternative goals and plans are evaluated. Also, the possible effects of the goals and pl ans are evaluated at this stage. Fourthly, selection of the goals and plans is carried out. The most appropriate and feasible goals and plans are selected. Right judgment is crucial at this stage. In the fifth step, implementation of the designed plans takes place. This helps one to achieve the set goals. To implement a plan, the manager must understand it well. Also, resources to implement the plan must be available. Finally, monitoring and controlling are important. These help one to know whether his/ her plan is succeeding. Continuous monitoring of the actual performance against unit’s goal should be done. Implementation is the most important step in planning. The reason behind this is that implementation of plans helps in achieving the set goals (Darlkir, 7). There are three types of plans that can be used in different organizations. These include, single used plans, standing plan, and contingency plan. Single-use plans are used in activities that are done only once. The y are one time-time use plans. They also have specific goals. They may be used for duration of few days. In addition, they may last for a number of years. Projects and programs are good examples of single-use plans. Also, budgets can be considered as single-use plans. The activities involved are like the special sales program. Programs cover ‘who’ and ‘what’ in an activity. It also covers ‘where’, and ‘how’ the activity will be done (Ingram, para.3). Standing plans are applied in activities that take a long time to complete. In some cases it might be indefinite time. They can be adjusted so as to cater for the changing situations. Mostly they are created from information from different sources over a longer period. They also cover several departments in an organization. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Examples of standin g plans are policies, a procedure and rules (Ingram, para.4). Contingency plans are meant for specific situations. This is incase things don’t move as expected. Contingency planning involves flexibility and adaptation. Also, mastery is needed due to the changing conditions. They include planning for marketing. The reason behind is to get support from the stakeholders. In addition, they allow for understanding from the stakeholders (Ingram, para.5). In our organization we usually use standing plan. The reason behind is that we usually deal with activities that need much time before completion. Also, in our organization we have many different departments where this kind of planning is more applicable. From the above literature, I have been able to learn that planning is one of the key aspects in any organization. Implementation of a plan is one of the most important steps in any planning. Implementation helps in achieving the already set goals. Without the implementation of a plan, the other work done during the planning process will be of no importance. Different plans can be applied in different organizations. The kind of plan to be used depends on the type of activities taking places in an organization. Works Cited Darlkir, Kimiz. Knowledge management in theory and practice. New York: Technology partner. 2011. Print. Ingram, David. Define single use, contingency standing plans for business. January 26, 2011. April 22, 2011. This essay on Planning functions was written and submitted by user Ali Christensen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Write the Ideal Essay of the American Dream

Write the Ideal Essay of the American Dream Living The American Dream: Extraordinary Concepts That Can Assist All Learners Picking an extraordinary subject for the American dream article is a standout among the best techniques to utilize. However, you have to investigate it cautiously. Continue with this scholastic task by reflecting alternate points of view. Structure your American dream article in the wake of becoming familiar with the way of life, life, and social patterns of this strong nation. It ought to incorporate your solid proposition proclamation that presents key perspectives. Direct your inside and out research dependent on many fascinating measurements and thoughts identified with the American dream idea to inspire educators or teachers. Step by step instructions to compose the best American dream article Consider these imperative components when composing the American dream exposition: Sort out intriguing and reasonable American dream paper points to pick a decent one for your bit of composing; Use your productive expository aptitudes to outline a solid postulation proclamation; Write a different area with the meanings of imperative terms; Use pertinent statements to make your paper all the more engaging students; In a closing section, entirety up significant subtleties and repeat your proposal. How to make the American dream paper layout? Make the American dream article diagram by posting a subject sentence of each passage since its a basic method to guarantee that all areas will fill their particular needs. Dont hesitate to wipe out or join potential areas while plotting. That is because the primary draft may contain dreary thoughts or actualities that negatively affect the focal contention of your article about the American dream. If you have any issues with updating it, your framework offers an effective method to recognize the feeble and solid sides of your scholastic paper. How to compose the American dream article presentation An early on section gets ready learners for your significant contention. It should begin with a discourse of your picked American dream subject and offer to set to set them up for your theory explanation, which comes toward the finish of this area and states the focal contention or reason for the whole paper briefly and unmistakably. The presentation plans learners for your announcement. Content Sections Your task concerning the dream of America ought to contain the fundamental content with these essential components: Each passage needs a different theme sentence that presents its significant thought; Put enough proof, for example; master sites, insights, actualities, and other information to demonstrate it; A closing sentence should aggregate up all subtleties and incorporate smooth changes. The dream of America article end The American dream article end should both rehash your significant case and establish a link to a more extensive dialog. To do this, one should return to a postulation articulation and spotlight on completing your task by ignoring significant remarks, posing an additional report, or including a suggestion to take action rather than just repeating all focuses in the finish of your dream of America article. Why utilize a snare for American dream article? Contemplate the introductory sentence of your bit of composing as an appealing snare that catches students eye and enables you to roll them into the article. A snare for American dream exposition can be as provocative inquiries, intriguing statements, engaging accounts, little-known actualities, measurements, or whatever else. How to pick great American dream exposition themes? Many fascinating thoughts worry the American dream. However, its hard and befuddling to pick the best one. Search for something intriguing and a particular kind. Contemplate about the supplementary derelict of valuable recommendations. Normal subjects to expound on the dream of America Understanding the paper on the dream of America; Whether individuals need to pass judgment on how others accomplish their American dream; The Prodigious Gatsby dream of America article; A specific age of individuals who operated a great deal to ensure their dream of America materialize; Does the dream of America still live exposition today; Share your genuine belief regarding the dream of America; Is the American dream feasible exposition? Account and engaging themes for your American vision article Select an actual existence occasion or achievement that is a piece of the American vision; Explain to students how it resembles for foreigners to accomplish their American dream; Describe any individual youre acquainted with who made it work out as expected; Share your sentiment if the American dream’s merits seeking after. What are thoughts for school and secondary school understudies? Prejudices that demolished the American Dream; If its conceivable to resuscitate the first American Dream; The enhancement of the American Dream; True recipients of the American Dream; If the American vision is a false notion. In case youre attempting to expound on the American dream, use models underneath. If they arent sufficient to draft an ideal paper, get our expert help and request excellent custom composition administrations. Contract our accomplished creators to succeed. The understanding of the American dream paper The American vision has dependably been an imperative piece of the way of life and civilization in America. Regardless it stays applicable in present day times. The dream of America merits referencing that individuals cant quantify its roots on what they possess since they have to apply its standards to social issues and patterns. The initial segment is the fantasy of wealth. Its about the capacity to be loaded up with material merchandise. Numerous different nations begrudge a country or shoppers and makers because just a couple of them can coordinate the sheer scope of merchandise that America makes. Consider the fantasy of majority rule government and equivalent rights. This idea is about individuals capacity to purchase merchandise, paying little respect to their identity and where theyre from, and it connects back to their sacred rights. The fantasy of opportunity of decision is another critical part. It binds back to the constitution of the state that enables individuals to pick their very own ways of life, utilize distinctive merchandise, and discover the opportunity to become the people they want to become. Remember about the fantasy of curiosity. Its about the idea of a widening of the purchase decision, and it haggy affects the American culture today. Current abilities on interest continue changing after some time. Its a bit much for individuals to work in explicit regions to get along in their lives since they can make sure that theres dependably an interest to specialty aptitudes to furnish them with increased opportunities of the decision. The structure is huge for the American vision since it wouldnt have the capacity to drive forward without this authoritative record. These days, the American vision remains applicable. How individuals make it work out change, yet its essential standards continue as before, and the principle contrast is that youngsters pick advancement strategies to approach their interest. The American vision is an image of success. Does the American dream still exist paper today? A few people contend if the American dream remains realistic and alive. They all have one of a kind qualities and lives. This implies individuals have distinctive meanings of the American dream. One of the principal reasons why its flourishing is that there exist unlimited open doors that individuals get once a day. Numerous state-funded schools furnish their understudies with the devices and strategies they need to prosper, so its possibly up to them if to utilize them to accomplish life objectives or not. An additional fact that justifies America vision that individuals have several opportunities of job disposed to them. However, in the end, not everybody becomes a popular doctor or lawyer, though all of them can be prosperous and earn their livelihood. There are a lot of opportunities available in the world. There is a wide range of jobs to select from, like engineers, lab workers, technicians, electricians, apprentices, and construction laborers among others. There is no need of going to a training college. Several prosperous and successful individuals did not acquire a college degree, and this did not prevent them from ensuring their dream of America came true. What makes individuals have a feeling that the dream is not true today? A large number of individuals think in this manner at the end because of the influence the economy has on them. America is known to have a slower growth rate of the economy and weaker employment markets, and this is the reason most profits from interest rates are not disclosed to the public. National borrowing of the country is a bit high that is another factor that contributes, though it leads to increased taxes that enable the government to collect increased revenue. The basic undesirable influence of the national borrowing is intensifying inflation. Notably, it can result in a decreased living standard. Regardless of the undesirable patterns that have been mentioned above, desirable factors and concepts are attesting that the dream of America is still alive in the contemporary world. Several individuals relentlessly pursue it for diverse purposes. Some individuals want it for their happiness, whereas others opt to become wealthy or accomplish other goals of life.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Legal issues in cloud computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal issues in cloud computing - Essay Example Such clauses usually require the customer or a supplier to test the equipment according to specified testing procedures. The supplier is also required to rectify any defects on the equipment or allow the customer to reject the equipment and get a refund (Salido 21). There is always the risk of accidental or deliberate, but unauthorized destruction or modification of data by rogue employees of the provider. Such events compromise the quality of correctness, accuracy, completeness and the integrity of the data. In its contract, the customer should consider which party is best placed to handle those risks and, therefore, whether the arrangement with the provider should require the supplier to be accountable for the losses (Salido 22). A client may have statutory obligations to keep certain information confidential. Therefore, it is necessary that these obligations are also transmitted to the provider in situations where the provider is accessing or storing the customer’s data. Normally, the customer will want the provider to meet a minimum level of discretion for the customer’s information. In cases involving sensitive information, the degree of protection will need to be stronger. All systems of protection stated in this paper may potentially be insignificant unless the customer can approve that the required information security requirements are being satisfied. Audit of providers is one way of ensuring conformity. Audit of such arrangements is, however, likely to be complicated by location of the data- which may be mysterious to the client and could be located in foreign countries (Salido 23). Data ownership is the possession of and accountability of information. It denotes power as well as management of data. The supplier may own all of the property rights in the software or the supplier may be licensed to grant the license to the customer. It is essential that the supplier give the customer a permit that it has all the entitlements to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kent Fire and Rescue Service Company Case Study

Kent Fire and Rescue Service Company - Case Study Example The management of the company works together with the human resource Coastguard and the Royal Air-force so as to offer its services during the period when the off-shore ship fires occur and it rescues people who may be experiencing problems when accidents occur. It operates under the rules and regulations that are stipulated by the Kent Fire and Rescue Service Authority. Kent Fire and Rescue Service Company are regarded as one of the largest non-metropolitan fire and rescue services and it consists of over 66 fire stations. It has over 2000 employees who are charged with the responsibility of running its operations of its different departments. The major objective of the company involves investing in the activities that are geared towards preventing fires and accidents from occurring, responding quickly to incidents and accidents that they are called upon to control and ensuring that the staff is well trained in dealing with the major accidents arising from their areas of operation. In the year 2005, a comprehensive performance assessment was conducted and it showed that the company had excelled better than other fire and rescue services in the country (Hughes, Mardon, and Meakins, 2005:96). The officers of this company face major challenges of running its operations while crossing through the White Cliffs at Dover when they are called upon to rescue people who may have been stuc... The resources may run out, become polluted and degraded while being used, thus, it is important to ensure that they are properly managed. They can be managed by being distributed equally and conserved for future use. The management of the resources requires coordinating and overseeing the application of tools, processes and systems needed by a manager to deliver resources within a specified period of time. The management of the company has recently adopted the health and safety electronic program whereby, the global electronic producers produce learning materials that are used. The data interactive system and the health and safety management systems assist the staff in carrying out their tasks in the right way. The facilities are used by the management to address issues that relate to safety issues for the first response units while dealing with fire and ambulance services. The fire fighters and ambulance crew use the electronic materials in enlightening them on how they should carry out their activities efficiently and effectively. The management of the company has recently established a solutions training venture that is aimed at developing and delivering electronic learning materials for its client. The staffs have gained skills and knowledge on how to protect themselves against risks while handling any incidents that have occurred (Wallington, 2009:55). There has been recent implementation of other systems within the organization that are aimed at enhancing quick delivery of services for its clients the systems include agresso. The agresso system has been assisting the management in reducing the cost of undertaking its administration tasks and it also reduces the amount of duplicated data for their

Monday, November 18, 2019

History - Annexation of Hawaii Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History - Annexation of Hawaii - Term Paper Example The Armed forces of the United States were ordered to provide this support on the directives of the minister of the United States to Hawaii. In reality they were missionaries who had been welcomed for several years by the Hawaiians who did not see the annexation in advance. Subsequently they became influential politicians and destabilized the monarchy. They indirectly wanted Hawaii to become a part of the U.S. so that they did not have to face the dilemma of paying the tax. Despite her plea â€Å"to undo the actions of its representatives† U.S. government did not allow her to access the throne again. One side of the story told by the businessmen was that the reason they overthrew the queen was because it was a corrupt and dissolute regime. They were more interested in installing the advance democratic principles. The Western power was keen on acquiring the island because of its rich coaling station and a promising naval base. The native population became an ethnic minority by 1891 due to western diseases, cholera, smallpox and leprosy, they were vulnerable to. America used the imperial force to attain Hawaii (Thurston 1897). Imperialism, as it is defined, is an extension of country’s ideals and values over another nation, and primarily acted upon the less developed countries. Grover Cleveland, the new president withdrew the treaty handed over to him by the former Benjamin Harrison, for the purpose of re-examining, who was compelled to do so by the American businessmen convincing the Congress. After discovering how the island was conspired into this seizure, Cleveland recommended that the monarchy should be restored. In a message to the Congress, specifically addressing Minister Wallis, Cleveland urged to restore the condition of the island as it was previous to the â€Å"lawless landing† of the forces of the United States at the Honolulu. He proposed that â€Å"the past should be buried† and the â€Å"restored Government should resu me its authority† without being affected. But Congress did not act upon this command. In 1894, Hawaii came under Stanford Dole, who, declared himself president of the Republic without much consent from the natives. The queen was placed under house arrest held for the guilt of treason. A fine of $5000 was also placed on her. In 1896, the Republican Party called for the annexation of Hawaii in the presidential election. In 1990, Hawaii legitimately became a U.S. territory under William McKinley, out of fear that it may be annexed by Japan. He also feared that he lacked majority support for the annexation in the Senate. Eventually, several immigrant laborers from all over the world joined the sugar business. Today Hawaii comprises of people belonging to China, Japan, and Portuguese from Madeira and the Azores including Puerto Rican’s, Koreans and Filipinos. This resulted in Hawaii having the most diverse population of the world. Located far from the world, it became to be known as the paradise on earth. It attracted a lot of people from all over the world and thus began the Hawaii Tourist Bureau’s active role from the 1900s. Brown states in his paper how the Hawaii was simultaneously starting to be treated as a tourist destination. He shows how colorful pamphlets were released to encourage people from all over the world to visit the â€Å"vividly gorgeous kaleidoscope of thought† where one could â€Å"catch a whiff of fragrant jasmine† or the like and enjoy the South Sea. These attractive features were used by businessmen

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Questionnaire Design for Business Research

Questionnaire Design for Business Research INTRODUCTION: Many businesses, economic and social questions are not amenable to a simple YES or No answer. Every business needs some clarification or discussion. Solutions can be presented and every criterion can be either accepted or rejected. To consider the arguments and indeed the facts presented, the completeness of current information and the requirements for new information need to be assessed. Decision maker not only need the DATA but also need to evaluate the quality of the data. One Dictionary definition of data is ‘things known and from which inferences may be deduced. Data refers to information or facts usually collected as the result of experience, observation or experiment, or processes within a computer system, or premises. Data may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables. Data are often viewed as a lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived. Data in business means numerical values such as size of a business, its profitability, its product range, the features of the workforce and host of other factor. However numbers alone cannot give clear understanding of the business problems therefore it is important to consider the entire factor that affects the business during its existence such as legal, economic, culture and etc. In general business, require a multi disciplinary approach. The completeness of data is always a problem for the decision maker. Collection of data is always vast, but it depends on the decision maker to decide whether the current data is enough or more additional has to be collected. Collection data is a tedious job and costly also. The main issue for the decision maker is that whether the data has some quality information or no. Data that has bias or is misleading can damage any effective decision making process which can further affect the profit in future. Data can be collected by different sources and most people underestimate the number of sources and the amount of data within each of these data: Paper based sourced: It is books, journals, periodicals, abstract, indexes, directories, research reports, conference papers, markets reports, annual reports, internal record, magazines, newspaper. Electronic based sources: CD-ROMs, online database, Internet, videos and broadcast. Pre-collection activity is the most crucial steps in the collection of data. There is always a formal need of checking the data collected so as to ensures that the data collected defined and accurate and the finding in the collection of data are valid and not bias. In this Globalization century it is important to be abreast with the updated information and data so as to have a competitive edge. 1. Company Overview: My research is based on Dominos: Starting in business with his brother James in 1960, Tom Monaghan brought a pizza store named DomiNicks in Ypsilanti, Michigan. A year later, James traded his interest in the store for a Volkswagen. Tom formed another partnership and, during the next three years, continued to open stores in Mt Pleasant, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. In 1965 that partnership was dissolved, leaving Tom with one store in Ann Arbor and two in Ypsilanti. When Tom was searching for the name for his new corporation, a driver suggested the name ‘Dominos. The name was adopted and Tom helped create the now familiar red and white three-dot logo. Through hard work and dedicated team, Dominos grew into international leader in the pizza delivery industry, with over 8,000 stores in 50+ markets. December 1998, saw a change in ownership for Dominos pizza when Bain Capital, a Boston based private equity investment firm, purchased Dominos from Mr. Monaghan. The new leadership has brought an even stronger focus to operational quality and growth, as well as renewed commitment to recruiting and developing exceptional people. To forward the goals, David A Brandon was named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dominos Pizza, LLC in March, 1999. Dominos pizza first opened its UK store in 1985 and has over 500 stores now in UK and Ireland. TASK 1: 1. Sources of Data Collection: Nowadays data collection is become very important in this Economic world .When there are many business ,economic, and social question they are not amendable by a simple yes or no, So here to consider the argument and indeed the ‘facts presented, the completeness of current information and the requirement for new information need to be assessed. According to Jon Curwin and Roger Slater, Third edition 1991, stated that one dictionary definition of data is ‘things known and from which inferences may be induced Appraisal and market studies use two types of data- Primary data and Secondary Data. All the data collected should be current, relevant, accurate and conceptually correct. Primary data and Secondary data are defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal as follow: Information that a researcher gathers first hand is primary data. Information from secondary sources i.e. not directly complied by the analyst may include published and unpublished work based on research that relies on primary sources of any material other than primary sources used to be prepare a written work. Decision makers not only data but also the quality of the data because Data that are bias or misleading can damage any effective decision-making process. Whenever we look at data or consider data collection we need to ask ‘what is the problem? or ‘what is the question?Basically there are two types of sources of data 1) Primary Data and 2) Secondary Data. A) PRIMARY DATA: Primary data is facts and information collected specifically for the purpose of the investigation at hand. Primary data is collected specifically to address the problem in question and is conducted by the decision maker, marketing firm, a university and etc. Primary data cannot found elsewhere. Primary data may be collected through surveys, focus groups or in depth interviews, or through experiments such as taste tests. According to Jon Curwin and Roger Slater, Third edition 1991, stated that a statistical enquiry may require the collection of new data, referred to as primary data, or be able to use existing data, Primary data is its collection for a specific project. Advantages: Basic data are included in primary data collection. It is unbiased information It is the information that is collected originally. Disadvantages: Data collected is large in volume It is time consuming Direct and personal intervention has to be there to collect the data The data collected is raw. For example: A distribution census, taken every five years, dealing with retail data Ø Population census which has been carried out in the U.K in every 10years since 1801 ,this exercise gives highly detailed information and reflect data from all part of the population EXAMPLE: Metro Newspaper, Thursday, May 14, 2009. BANKS are slowing down Britains economic recovery by not lending, it was claimed yesterday. The Banks- some of which have been propped up with billions from the taxpayer- are displaying an ‘extreme level of risk aversion when lending to businesses and households, Banks of England governor Mervyn King said. The warning came as the Bank predicted the economy would shrink by 4.5 per cent at the peak of the recession in the summer. Consumer price inflation currently at 2.9 per cent target this year. However, a weak pound, the impact of 0.5 per cent interest rates and government spending offered hope of recovery, Mr King added in his quarterly inflation report. B) TYPES OF METHODS OF COLLECTING PRIMARY DATA: Questionnaire Interviews Focus Group Interviews 1. Questionnaire: Questionnaire are a popular means of collecting data, but are difficult to design and often require many rewrites before an acceptable questionnaire produced. Questionnaire is the series of question to be asked to an individual so as to obtain statistically useful information about any given task. It became a vital instrument if it is constructed and responsibly administered. It is frequently used in quantitative marketing research and social research. They are valuable method of collecting a wide range of information from large number of individuals, often they are referred to as respondents. Good questionnaire construction is important for the success of a survey. Inappropriate question, incorrect order of question, incorrect scaling, and bad format can make the questionnaire worthless. In order to have a successful questionnaire it is important to have the subset of target respondent to be tested first. Advantages: It can be used as a method in its own right or as a basis for interviewing or a telephone survey. It can be posted, emailed or faxed. It can be used for large volume of people or organization It has wide geographic coverage. It is relatively cheaper No prior arrangements are needed. It avoids embarrassment on the part of the respondent. Respondent can consider responses. There is a possibility of respondent being anonymous There is no Interviews bias. Disadvantages: Designing the questionnaire is a problem Questions have to be relatively simple. It has low response rate. It is time consuming whilst waiting for the response to be returned. It requires return deadline. Several remainders are required while conducting the questionnaire. It assumes no literacy problems. There is no control over who completes the questionnaire. It is not possible to give assistant if required. There is a problem with incomplete questionnaire. The replies are not spontaneous and independent of each other. Respondent can read all questions beforehand and then decide whether to complete or not may be because it is too long complex, uninteresting, or too personal 1.1 SUCCESSFUL QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN: To be successful, a questionnaire needs both a logical structure and well thought out questions. The structure of the questionnaire should have a flow from question to question and from topic to topic, just like the conversation between two people. Any radical jump between questions or topic would create a problem or confusion to the respondent. It is often suggested that a successful and useful technique is to move from general to specific questions on any particular issue. The Gallup organization has suggested that there are five possible objectives for a question: To find if the respondent is aware of the issue To get general feelings on an issue To get answer on specific parts of the issue To get reasons for a respondents views To find how strongly these views are held 1.2 DESIGN OF POSTAL QUESTIONNAIRE: Theme and covering letter: The general theme of the questionnaire should be explicit in a covering letter. You should state who you are, why the data is required, give if necessary, an assurance of confidentially and/or anonymity and contact number and address or telephone number. This ensures that what respondent is known what they are committing. If possible, you should offer estimate time for completion. Instruction for return should be included with the return date made obvious. Instruction for completion: You need to provide clear and unambiguous instruction for completion. There should be a general instruction for particular question structure. The response method should be indicated (circle, tick, cross and etc). Even example can be given to make question clearer. Appearance: Appearance is the first thing which the recipient reacts. A neat and professional look will encourage further consideration of request, increasing your response. To improve the questionnaire appearance: Liberal spacing makes the reading easier. Photo reduction can produce more space without reducing content. Consistent positioning of response boxes, usually to the right speeds up completion. Choose the font style to maximize legibility Differentiate between instruction and question. Length The length of the questionnaire should not be that long because this could affect the completion of it and respondent may be uninterested to complete. Order: The most important and crucial stage in questionnaire is the beginning. Once the respondents have started to complete the question they will normally finish provided if it not too long or difficult. Coding: It is advisable non numerical responses when designing the questionnaire rather than trying to code the responses when they are returned. Thank you: Respondents to questionnaire rarely benefits personally from their efforts and the least the researcher can do is to thank them. Even though the covering letter will express appreciation for the help given, but it is always advisable to thank the respondent at the end of the questionnaire. Question: Question asked should be short, simple and to the point avoid any unnecessary words. It shouldnt confuse the respondent as it could affect the completion of questionnaire. Types of Questions: Contingency question: A question that is answered only if the respondent gives a particular response to a previous question. This avoids asking questions of people that do not apply to them. Matrix question: Identical response categories to multiple questions. The question are placed one under the other, forming a matrix with response categories along the top and a list of question down the side. This is efficient use of page space and respondents time. Close ended question: Respondents answers are very limited to a fixed set of responses. Other types of closed ended question include: Yes or No question: The respondent answer with a ‘yes or a ‘no. Multiple choices: The respondents are given with several options from which to choose. Scaled question: Responses are graded on a scale for e.g. rate the food quality scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the least preferred and with 10 being most preferred. Open ended question: No option or predefined categories are suggested. The respondent gives their own answer without being constrained by fixed set of possible responses. 2) Interviews: Interviewing is a technique that is primarily used to gain an understanding of the underlying reasons and motivation for people attitudes, preferences or behavior. Interviews can be undertaken one to one basis or in group. There different types of interview that can be conducted such as personal interview and telephone interview. Interviews can be structured, semi structured and unstructured. A personal interview has a serious approach by respondent resulting in accurate information. It has good response rate with completed and immediate. Interviewer can also give help to the interviewee if in case it requires some help. There is need to the setup interviews. It is time consuming and expensive. Interviewer can even ask some personal question which could be embarrassing for the respondent. Telephone interview is an alternative form of interview to the personal, face to face interview. It is relatively cheaper, quick and has wider coverage. It has high rate of spontaneous response. Telephone interview is often connected with selling. It often requires questionnaire. Time is wasted if lines get disconnected and if call backs are given it could make the respondent irritate. A strong telephone manner is needed to handle the question raised by the respondent. 3) Focus Group interview: A focus group is an interview conducted by a trained moderator with a small group of respondent. The moderator starts the discussion and then leads the same. The main purpose of the focus groups is to get the insight or complete knowledge by listening to a group of people from the targeted market about the specific issues of interest. SECONDARY DATA: All methods of data collection can supply quantitative data or qualitative data. When using secondary research, one must be caution when using dated information from the past. Secondary data is facts and information gathered not for the immediate study at hand but for the purpose. Secondary data is data which has been collected by individuals or agencies for purposes other those of our particular research study. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys and organizational records. Secondary data is a data which is collected from primary data to create new research. A secondary data source is a summary of a book or set of records. Secondary data, Sources of primary data include observation, group discussions and the use of questionnaires. Advantages: It is easily accessible and saves time that would otherwise be required for collecting data. The cost to access secondary data is little or no cost to acquire. Secondary data helps to clarify the research focus or question. Disadvantages: Quality of research is questionable because the secondary data is originated from primary data research which is collected and controlled by the marketer itself. In many cases, secondary data is not well presented in a form that exactly meets the researchers needs. In secondary research, much information is incomplete because the researcher may not get the full version of the research to gain the full value of the study. This is because many researcher suppliers offers free portions of their research and then charge expensive fees for their full reports. Example: Data collected by the hotels or the organization through its history system. Data supplied by a marketing organization Annual company reports Government statistics Secondary Data Analysis: Secondary data analysis is commonly known as second hand analysis. It is simply analysis of pre-existed data in a different way to answer a different question than originally needed. It analysis the data that was collected by someone else and uses it in for further study that is intended to complete. Secondary data can be gathered by internal and external source of data collection. Where internal sources includes sales data, reports data, financial data, Transport data, storage data and external sources includes government statistics, trade association, and commercial services There are common sources of collecting secondary data such as from Bureau of the census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and various other agencies. Example: U.S Bureau of the census has kept track of the census of the population for over two hundred years. Moreover, the census includes housing, the labor force, manufacturers, business, agriculture and so on. Census data can be used for various research questions. Anyone has access to the large amount of information nearly one hundred surveys, by visiting their website at ( Bureau of Labor Statistics collects information or data on employment, industrial relations, prices, earning, living condition, technology and productivity. Report is out every month in this bureau and they can be viewed at ( ) International Data Sources is a strong source for comparative researchers and can deal with economic aspects, including political events across many other nations. In Europe, a Euro barometer Survey Series is used to publish reports on social and political events in the country. The Design and purpose of research: Secondary data analysis means collecting the data which is collected by some other person and using the same data for understanding the current issue or problem face by the researcher. It is important to have a well defined research type which in turn would help the research to be successful. In order to use the secondary data three steps must be completed: Locate the data Evaluate the data Verify the data Collecting data is easy online but to verify the data whether they care up-to-date or current is important. Therefore it is important to be alert and cautious while using the online sources while collecting the data Example: Ethnicity, discrimination and health outcomes: a secondary analysis of hospital data from Victoria, Australia In this study, secondary data was used in the form of hospital discharge abstract for the state of Victoria in Australia. The variables that were looked at were a persons country of birth and the quality of care they received in a universal health care system. It was secondary data because it had already been collected by the hospital in the way of their charts and discharge abstracts. The researchers were simply looking at the data and the relationship between the listed country of birth and what type of care was listed. The goal of the research was to explore the relationship between a person ethnic background and the amount of care they received from the hospital. The researchers were interested in developing a preliminary set of data that would allow them to develop methods to study the issue further. The discharge abstract contained demographic and clinical information about each patient. From the abstract the researcher separated the patient into three groups. The first being Australian or English patients. The second group consisted of patients who did not visibly appear to be minority e.g. people from Europe, South and Central American. The third group contained people that were visible minorities e.g. Middle Easterners, Asians, Africans and Pacific Islanders. Dominos strives to excel in customers satisfaction. Its major competitors are Perfect Pizza with over 200 outlets, Pizza Hut with over 170 restaurants and also small pizza delivery business; it is believed that there are as many as 4,000 pizza delivery companies in UK. It is important to have updated knowledge about the market so as to survive the recession. Dominos store in UK conducted the questionnaire to have clear idea about the market needs and customer expectation. DOMINOS PIZZA 315 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4HH Telephone: 020 8995 4555 TASK 2: TECHNIQUES TO ANALYSE DATA: Data which is collected needs to be analyzed and then interpreted or technique to presented in the form that is self explanatory and easily understandable. Therefore, it is important to know the process that is included in process of analyzing the data. Data analysis is the process of gathering, modeling, and transforming data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusion and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple ways, approaches and technique. The main task is to interpret the information or the data that is collected. There are various ways to interpret the data in a simple for easy understanding. Interpretation of data is important for making a decision for the business. There are different ways or methods how a data can be interpreted, that is: Method1: Graphical presentation Method 2: Mean, Median and Mode Method 3: Quartile, percentile and Standard deviation. Method 1: Graphically presentation: The easiest way to present the data is through graphs and diagrams. There are different graphical presentations that are used for interpreting the data or presenting the data. To show the relationship between two variables we use graphs and diagrams. Using graph can have quick and direct understanding. It highlights the most important facts. It gives easy understanding of the data and can have a long lasting impression. Graph can be used when the data is dispersed, few or numerous and has little or no variation. Below is the detail for the local garage which is facing the fierce competition and wants to compete in the market with the reasonable prices. HISTOGRAM: Histogram is the popular graphing tool. It is used to explain discrete or continuous data that are measured on an interval scale. It is often used to present the distribution of data that is collected for the purpose. It divides the range of values in the data set into group classes. Histogram is more similar to vertical bar graph but when the data are continuous, there are no gaps between the bars. When the variables are discrete, gaps should be left the between the bars. In histogram, frequency is measured by the area of the column and in a vertical bar graph; frequency is measured by the height of the bar. Histogram graphically shows: Center (i.e. the location) of the data Spread (i.e. the scale) of the data skewness of the data presence of outliers and Presence of multiple modes in the data. The most common form of the histogram is taken by dividing the range of data into equal classes. That is, Vertical axis: frequency Horizontal axis: Response variable The histogram is a popular graphing tool used in the presentation of the data. It is used to summaries discrete or continuous data that are measured on an interval scale. It is often used to represent the major features of the distribution of the data in an easy form. The October costs of the garage. In the data the costs of the servicing may be grouped into classes as follow: Tabulated (grouped) continuous data Method 2: Mean, Median and Mode are the most commonly used forms of average for the most business data. Each has its own characteristics, and whilst it will be possible to use them interchangeably with some data sets, for others there will be a single average which will be most appropriate. One consideration will be the type of the data with which we are dealing is it categorical, ordinal or cardinal; secondly we must ask if the data is discrete or continuous. 2.1 Mean: The arithmetic mean is the name used for the simple average which you can already calculate. Almost everyone understands this average and thus it will succeed in communicating the concepts of the location of the data to a wide range of people. It does not apply to the apply to the categorical data and its interpretation when used with ordinal data is to open to considerable doubt. When used with discrete data it may give an answer which cannot occur, for example fractional number of people. This is the most commonly used average. The mean is calculated by adding the given values and then dividing the sum by the number of addends. Potential Problem: If you have a large number of small values with a few very large values in your sample, mean averages get skewed: the mean is nearer to the bigger values even though the small values there are smaller numbers. If you have a few small values and a few large values, the mean average can get skewed this way too. If you have one, or more, outlying values that do not follow the general trend of the numbers in a sample, the mean average can be affected more dramatically than intended. There are different ways of calculating Mean in different Data: 2.1.a) Untabulated data: Suppose that there are number of people were 7, 5, 6, 7 and 8. To calculate the mean, we would add all the numbers together to find the total number of people taken, and then divide by the number of values included. Here, the mean would be: That is, / 5 =33/5 =6.6

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Most Affordable Vacation for a College Student :: Research Papers Travel Essays

The Most Affordable Vacation for a College Student In December, my boyfriend is heading to Iraq to fight for his country and for all of us in the United States. We have decided together, that upon his arrival home, we will reward ourselves with a vacation. The question we both had though was where should we take this vacation? We both believe that next year will be a really hard time for both of us, being separated for at least a year. I have decided to take the initiative to research our possible destinations with the most affordable rates. Together, we narrowed our choices down and decided to vacation in Hawaii or an island in the Bahamas. So with this information, I decided to research the locations of our choice to help us finalize our decision. The first thing I did was decide to research Maui, Hawaii. I have heard many great things about Hawaii, and thought that this would make a great report. I gathered information online, comparing airline prices, hotel prices and also attractions in Maui. To gather even more information, I traveled to the travel agency in which I belong to, AAA’s where I received a lot of great catalogs on Maui. I did not know definitely where I was going with this project, but decided to research the information. I discovered that Hawaii was just a little bit out of a college student’s budget, even if saving for a year. So I thought I would compare and research the Bahamas, our other choice. I once again started online, researching much like I did with Hawaii. This time when I traveled to AAA’s, I talked to Sharon Biggs, a very helpful travel agent. She gave me brochures explaining about the two islands in the Bahamas. She told me that because I was under the age of 21, the better vacation choice was the Bahamas over Hawaii. When we travel on our vacation, my boyfriend will be over 21, but I will not. The age of 21 meaning, I could not drink, but he could. My final step was to call my aunt and uncle, who have traveled to the Bahamas, Mexico, Bermuda, and taken several cruises. I wanted to receive their insight on the location that I had chosen. They were very reliable in the sense that they travel often and I have not been to all the places that they have been to.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Anger, a Deadly Sin

The seven deadly sins include Pride, Greed, Envy, Anger, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. One of the seven deadly sins that I have suffered from is Anger. Anger is termed as being deeply resentful indignation and may include being impatient with the faults of others. Both of these come into play in the events that unraveled that one night in Charlotte, N. C. The following events occurred late on a Thursday night, whilst there was still a LOL autumn breeze blowing the leaves from their initial resting place, in downtown Charlotte.As I approached the epicenter, the main nightlife area in Charlotte, I could taste the crispness in the air and knew that tonight would indeed be memorable. I went to the door of one of the popular local drinking holes and proceeded inside with my friends close behind. Soon after we entered you could tell that the crisp air was left outside and replaced with a rather uncomfortably humid haze. As we headed peer into the building the haze became natural and the influ x of people around us seemed unimportant.We walked up to the bar counter and ordered our drinks. We then continued to walk around and converse with the rest of the people inside. As the night progressed the effects of alcohol were taking its toll on some of the other people in the bar. Just as I was walking outside to get some fresh air someone bumped into me and spilt their drink all over my shirt and pants. This was the point that I couldn't control myself and broke one of the sins. I then pushed the other guy over and he fell down on the floor.I stormed off to the bathroom to dry off the stain that would of other wised been noticeable to everyone in the bar. We continued to catch glimpses of each other as the night progressed. I'd keep catching him looking in my direction and finally proceeded to confront him about the situation. Words were then exchanged and tempers began to flare. I don't know what overcame me but I began to go into a fit of rage. After making a scene we were t hen kicked out of the bar. This outcome was negative because it led to an early end to the night.It also led to further fits of rage on our way back home afterwards. I began to get heated with the same friends that had come with me. The consequences for my actions were few but it did lead to my enlightenment on how to control my temper. Once I realized that I needed to take steps to develop self-control I looked up different ways to relax and relive stress. Some of the steps that I began to use were sticking to a firm workout schedule and having times of the day Just to relax.There were no lingering implications following the event due to the fact that once I got kicked out no one else became involved. I was unfortunately consumed by the deadly sin of Anger. As the term states I was overcome with deep resentful indignation and it all started with the fault by the other man in the bar. After all that occurred suffering from the sin of Anger only led the need for self-control. The mor al of this story is that it is better to handle situations in a peaceful manner rather than being overtaken by anger.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Word Choice in English Composition and Literature

Word Choice in English Composition and Literature The words a writer chooses are the building materials from which he or she constructs any given piece of writing- from a poem to a speech to a thesis on thermonuclear dynamics. Strong, carefully chosen words (also known as diction) ensure that the finished work is cohesive and imparts the meaning or information the author intended. Weak word choice creates confusion and dooms a writers work either to fall short of expectations or fail to make its point entirely. Factors That Influence Good Word Choice When selecting words to achieve the maximum desired effect, a writer must take a number of factors into consideration: Meaning: Words can be chosen for either their denotative meaning, which is the definition youd find in a dictionary or the connotative meaning, which is the emotions, circumstances, or descriptive variations the word evokes.Specificity: Words that are concrete rather than abstract are more powerful in certain types of writing, specifically academic works and works of nonfiction. However, abstract words can be powerful tools when creating poetry, fiction, or persuasive rhetoric.Audience: Whether the writer seeks to engage, amuse, entertain, inform, or even incite anger, the audience is the person or persons for whom a piece of work is intended.Level of Diction: The level of diction an author chooses directly relates to the intended audience. Diction is classified into four levels of language: Formal which denotes serious  discourseInformal which denotes relaxed but polite conversationColloquial which denotes language in everyday usageSlang which denotes new, often highly informal words and phrases that evolve as a result sociolinguistic constructs such as age, class, wealth status, ethnicity, nationality, and regional dialects. Tone: Tone is an authors attitude toward a topic. When employed effectively, tone- be it contempt, awe, agreement, or outrage- is a powerful tool that writers use to achieve a desired goal or purpose.Style: Word choice is an essential  element in the style of any writer. While his or her audience may play a role in the stylistic choices a writer makes, style is the unique voice that sets one writer apart from another. The Appropriate Words for a Given Audience To be effective, a writer must choose words based on a number of factors that relate directly to the audience for whom a piece of work is intended. For example, the language chosen for a dissertation on advanced algebra would not only contain jargon specific to that field of study; the writer would also have the expectation that the intended reader possessed an advanced level of understanding in the given subject matter that at a minimum equaled, or potentially outpaced his or her own. On the other hand, an author writing a childrens book would choose age-appropriate words that kids could understand and relate to. Likewise, while a contemporary playwright is likely to use slang and colloquialism to connect with the audience, an art historian would likely use more formal language to describe a piece of work about which he or she is writing, especially if the intended audience is a peer or academic group. Choosing words that are too difficult, too technical, or too easy for your receiver can be a communication barrier. If words are too difficult or too technical, the receiver may not understand them; if words are too simple, the reader could become bored or be insulted. In either case, ​the message falls short of meeting its goals . . . Word choice is  also a consideration when communicating with receivers for whom English is not the primary language [who] may not be familiar with colloquial English. (From Business Communication, 8th Edition, by A.C. Krizan, Patricia Merrier, Joyce P. Logan, and Karen Williams. South-Western Cengage, 2011) Word Selection for Composition Word choice is an essential element for any student learning to write effectively. Appropriate word choice allows students to display their knowledge, not just about English, but with regard to any given field of study from science and mathematics to civics and history. Fast Facts: Six Principles of Word Choice for Composition Choose understandable words.Use specific, precise words.Choose strong words.Emphasize positive words.Avoid overused words.Avoid obsolete words.(Adapted from Business Communication, 8th Edition, by A.C. Krizan, Patricia Merrier, Joyce P. Logan, and Karen Williams. South-Western Cengage, 2011) The challenge for teachers of composition is to help students understand the reasoning behind the specific word choices theyve made and then letting the students know whether or not those choices work. Simply telling a student something doesnt make sense or is awkwardly phrased wont help that student become a better writer. If a students word choice is weak, inaccurate, or clichà ©d, a good teacher will not only explain how they went wrong but ask the student to rethink his or her choices based on the given feedback. Word Choice for Literature Arguably, choosing effective words when writing literature is more complicated than choosing words for composition writing. First, a writer must consider the constraints for the chosen discipline in which they are writing. Since literary pursuits as such as poetry and fiction can be broken down into an almost endless variety of niches, genres, and subgenres, this alone can be daunting. In addition, writers must also be able to distinguish themselves from other writers by selecting a vocabulary that creates and sustains a style that is authentic to their own voice. When writing for a literary audience, individual taste is yet another huge determining factor with regard to which writer a reader considers a good and who they may find intolerable. Thats because good is subjective. For example, William Faulker and Ernest Hemmingway were both considered giants of 20th-century American literature, and yet their styles of writing could not be more different. Someone who adores Faulkners languorous stream-of-consciousness style may disdain Hemmingways spare, staccato, unembellished prose, and vice versa.