Monday, December 30, 2019

The Theme of Love Essay - 2246 Words

The Theme of Love â€Å"Romantic love, physical love, unrequited love, obsessive love.† Compare the ways the poets have written about the theme of love, bringing out different aspects of it. In the six poems I have studied, I see a wide range of different types of love mentioned. I will be looking at 3 poems in depth. These are: â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†, written by Robert Browning, â€Å"My Last Duchess†, written by the Duke of Ferrara and â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, written by Andrew Marvell. When it comes to romantic love, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† contains some elements of it. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† also includes aspects of physical love. When it comes to unrequited love, â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† and â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† hold a large scale in†¦show more content†¦Both poems have no stanzas. This has a sense of narrative and has the story unfolding. â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† is a poem set in the 1970s, in a warm and safe cottage, where there would seem to be comfort. However, outside the weather is stormy and angry where mayhem is approaching. The â€Å"sullen† wind and the†vexed† lake are images/metaphors that, not only, describe the setting but what is on the narrator’s mind. Outside it is windy and stormy; the weather is reflecting the sense of the narrator’s feelings and mood, which in this case, is anger and violent. Porphyria is linked to the storm as she thinks it is a safe place to get away from it, when really she is making matters worse by going into the cottage. The storm shows a churn of danger in the horizon. There is then a change of atmosphere at lines 6, where it describes Porphria making herself at home, not knowing her fate. The speaker/Lover is monitoring Porphyria’s action and is making awareness of what she is doing. He explains everything methodically. He lists the order of tasks she does: she shuts out the cold, kneels down, makes a fire, takes off her coat, and sits by his side. This can be seen as obsessive, as he is observing everything she is does. During the poem, after Porphyria has made herself comfortable, she seems to try and seduce him by: â€Å"She put my arm about herShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Love And Hate1443 Words   |  6 PagesLove and hate are both an occurring theme in both Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. In this essay I will be comparing the similarities and differences of the way that the two texts portray the feeling of love and hate. The essay will be divided into different topics that I will be comparing, these following topics will be: death, passion, betrayal and one more. Romeo and Juliet was a play that was written by the famous English poet, playwright William Shakespeare whoseRead MoreTheme in Shakespeare in Love1207 Words   |  5 Pageslearning about in the text. Explain why it was worth learning about. John Madden’s Shakespeare in love is a ‘romantic comedy’ set in sixteenth century England. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau Essay - 723 Words

A huge dimension of our wellness and culture as humans, our spirituality, is affected by nature. Nature, in its grandeur, has inspired theological thought in many people. A particular movement in history that exemplified this was Transcendentalism. Two particularly famous transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s renowned essay, â€Å"Nature† demonstrates the transcendentalists’ fascination with the natural world and their belief in its divinity. A fantastic quote from â€Å"Nature† is â€Å"Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years.† In this quote, Emerson refers to nature as â€Å"God’s plantation†, which clearly shows his belief, which is shared by many transcendentalists, that nature is holy and connected to God. Henry David Thoreau’s classic book Walden demonstrates similar ideas. Perhaps the most famous quote from the book is â€Å"I went to the woods to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.† (Thoreau 182) The idea that going to nature allows one to â€Å"live deliberately† and understand the â€Å"essential facts of life† in essence means that one can develop a true understanding of life through observation and life in nature. The transcendentalists’ beliefs were based in nature. Many others in theShow MoreRelatedRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau971 Words   |  4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were the giants during the 19th century American Transcendentalism movement. Their influential work brought upon shared beliefs on concerning spiritual perspectives, government interference, and the ideology of cultural values in American society. Na ture has a multitude of meaning if looked at it from all angles, but deeper within nature is the reflection of what you exert while in it. However they agree on the human condition, the two authors speak withRead MoreRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1336 Words   |  6 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most influential writers of the Nineteenth Century. They influenced the American society and future writers to become an individual through their own writings. Transforming a movement known as Transcendentalism, both Emerson and Thoreau used this simple idea of nature, society and individualism to their advantage. Both used this simple idea to not only understand themselves, but also the world around them. Emerson and Thoreau held many ofRead MoreHenry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson1604 Words   |  7 Pagespar. 1) Henry David Thoreau reminds us about the importance of simplicity, authenticity, and downright disobedience. Born July 12 , 1817, just west of Boston in Concord, Massachusetts, his father operated a pencil factory and his mother rented rooms out to boarders. Thoreau graduated in 1837 from Harvard College, but did not take on assumed careers in law or medicine, he went on into education. After a failed attempt at teaching he befriended American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson was aRead MoreHenry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson1992 Words   |  8 PagesHenry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, a group of transcendentalists who brought great ideals with them through the mid 1800’s. Their philosophy stated that people needed to stay true to themselves and their own ideas, not those of society. One essay where Thoreau thoroughly exemplifies this is in Civil Disobedience. Throughout this essay, Thoreau tries to show his point that even though the government consists of more people, it will not always be correct. This means that the majority doesRead MoreTranscendentalism : Henry D avid Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson847 Words   |  4 Pagespower or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two transcendentalists that have different views on freedom. Our project, representing freedom, shows a person how to live his or her life in a way of freedom shown by Emerson and Thoreau. Together, we did research on the transcendentalists: Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We studied these men in the essays that we learned about during class. We found someRead MoreTranscendentalism And Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau807 Words   |  4 Pagesfamous ambassadors, Ralph Waldo Emerson and apprentice Henry David Thoreau. These men believed nature is what forces us not to depend on other ideas but to develop our own. Born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 25, 1803 as the fourth child in a family of eight, Ralph Waldo Emerson was brought up in an atmosphere where seven of his ancestors were ministers, and his father, William Emerson (who died when Emerson was eight), was minister of the First Church (Unitarian) of Boston. Emerson graduated in 1821Read MoreComparing Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau892 Words   |  4 Pagesand times in which they live. In the essay â€Å"Self Reliance† by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, the authors speak out against conformity and materialism in society. Both were romanticism authors during the 1800s. They focused on simplicity and individuality. Both writings can advise teenagers today on the importance of non-conformity and the value of rejecting materialism. In â€Å"Self Reliance†, Emerson discusses being one’s own person and not allowing society to moldRead MoreTranscendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau967 Words   |  4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most inspiring and accomplished writers to ever walk upon this Earth. They dared to question how people lived and how people should live. They were light years ahead of their time with their transcendentalist ideas. Transcendentalism can be defined by this quote, â€Å"People... have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that transcends... what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel†(History). This is a perfect explanation forRead MoreAnalysis Of Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1183 Words   |  5 Pagesby the means of the senses. As the two most prominent figures in the transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau whole-heartedly embrace the principles of n ature through different means and individually argue for the notion of individuality and self-expression in the writings of â€Å"solitude† (Thoreau) and â€Å"Nature† (Emerson). In the beginning of Chapter one of â€Å"Nature,† Emerson describes the notion of solitude as emerging oneself into nature and leaving behind all preoccupyingRead More Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism730 Words   |  3 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism Transcendentalism was a movement in writing that took place in the mid-nineteenth century. It formed in the early to mid nineteenth century and reached it climax around 1850 during an era commonly referred to as the American Renaissance, America’s Golden Day, or the Flowering of New England. The basic tenets of Transcendentalism involve the relationships between one’s self and the world at large. First, the search

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Free Essays

The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language Abstraction One of the ways to larn the linguistic communication better is holding a good warm up activity. This paper aims to look into the effects of warm up as a category room activity in larning 2nd linguistic communication. It is traveling to hold a critical survey, and over position of some books and essays about this activity. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper attends to supply the definition of warm up as an activity before the lesson. Then, it is traveling to detect that how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? It is likely traveling to happen that holding a good warm up activity helps pupils to put for the new lesson. Cardinal words: Warm up activity, 2nd linguistic communication, larning procedure Introduction Warm up is one of the good methods for ESL pupils to larn the 2nd linguistic communication better. This paper introduces the construct of warm up as an activity which attracts pupil ‘s attending and helps them to concentrate on the subject. Literary reappraisal An interesting manner of get downing a lesson could be utilizing activities called warm-up activities or ice-breakers ( Robertson A ; Acklam, 2000 ) . Teacher could get down warm up activity by utilizing some games, inquiring inquiries and holding treatments which all should be related to the subject or lesson. A warm up activity could assist a instructor to acknowledge the different types of pupil ‘s learning manner. Harmonizing to Cardenas ( 2001 ) , â€Å" Students learn best when they can turn to cognition in ways that they trust. They will larn best through making instead than reflecting † . Therefore, instructor could utilize different manners like drama, presentation, treatment, and wholly we could state by action. A warm up activity helps pupils to set aside any distractions which are in their head and focal point on subject, and it helps ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication. Harmonizing to Peterson ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Get downing your lesson programs with a five minute warm up can function to concentrate your pupils on the subject, open up originative thought and aid to use the acquisition in new ways † . Purpose of the survey This paper assesses the impact of warm up on ESL pupils and purposes to analyze the effects of this activity on the acquisition procedure. It is traveling to analyze these inquiries: 1 ) what are the effects of warm up activity? , and 2 ) how could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Which offers two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. Therefore, this paper is traveling to research the replies of these two inquiries and so it will detect which hypotheses are right. Method In progress this paper mentions two inquiries which are traveling to explicate in this subdivision. This paper by utilizing critical reappraisal about warm up provides the following replies to these inquiries ; 1 )What are the effects of warm up activity? This paper propounds five of import effects for warm up which are explained below. 1 ) Make a friendly environment. A brief warm up activity can construct a relationship between the pupils and the acquisition stuffs ( Hasan A ; Akhand, 2013 ) .Warm up plants as an ice ledgeman ; it helps pupils to be comfy with the environment and their schoolmates. 2 ) Attract pupil ‘s attending. Walqui ( 2006 ) provinces, â€Å" by concentrating pupil ‘s attending on the chief thoughts, teacher first prepares the pupils for prosecuting them in synergistic undertakings to pattern † ( p.169 ) . A five or ten minute warm up attracts the pupil ‘s attending toward the lesson and besides being physically in the category it helps them being mentally in the schoolroom, excessively. 3 ) Activate the pupil ‘s background cognition. Rumelhart ( 1980 ) provinces, â€Å" we comprehend something merely when we can associate it to something we already know-only when we can associate the new experience to an bing cognition construction † ( as cited in Carrell, 1983, p.82 ) . Students might bury the things which they have learned from the last category or session. Hence, a warm up activity could trip their background cognition ; things they already know or learned. 4 ) Think in English and concentrate on the subject. Kay ( 1995 ) claims that warm ups are different types of activities which help the pupils begin to believe in English, reappraisal antecedently introduced stuffs and go interested in the lesson ( as cited in Velandia, 2008, p. 11 ) . A warm up activity could assist ESL pupils to get down believing in 2nd linguistic communication and bury any distractions and concentrate on the new subject or lesson. 5 ) Increase pupil ‘s engagement. Warm-up activities like gag, game, and perplex set up a positive acquisition environment and do the pupils comfy to take part in the schoolroom ( Joshi, 2006 ) . When a instructor uses warm up, because of its gratifying and interesting characteristic, pupils attends to take part or take topographic point in that activity. Students like to be involved in such an astonishing warm up activity ; it builds a sense of community inside them. Now this paper answers the 2nd inquiry which is: 2 )How could warm up impact the acquisition procedure? Learning procedure is facilitated through constructing a positive relationship with the pupils. A merriment or interesting category mostly depends on the instructors as their personality and learning method actuate the pupils to raise a positive attitude towards larning ( Krishnan A ; Hoon, 2002 ) . Because of all those effects that warm up activity has on ESL pupils, it is obvious that warm up undertaking could impact the acquisition procedure, excessively. Following is a diagram which displays the effects of warm up undertaking briefly. img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src="" img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""/ Diagram: effects of warm up activity Discussion/conclusion This paper, in the intent of the survey, states two hypotheses: 1 ) this activity may assist ESL pupils to believe in mark linguistic communication ( English ) and concentrate on the language,2 ) this activity may merely assist ESL pupils to set aside any distractions and possibly after awhile they will bury whatever they learned. The first 1 is acceptable because it is right and existent, but the 2nd 1 is reject able because it could assist pupils to set away any distractions but when we use warm up activity, it is a reappraisal of what they learned. Hence, they could non bury whatever they learned. In amount up, this paper gets to the point that warm up activity is the best manner for believing in mark linguistic communication, puting for the new lesson, concentrating on the subject, and pulling the attending. Therefore, it should be short, interesting, related to the subject, and be at the pupils level or somewhat above ( i+1 ) to hold their consequence in larning the 2nd linguistic communication. Mentions Akther, A. ( 2014 ) .Role of Warm-up Activity in Language Classroom: A Tertiary Scenario. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // sequence=1 Hasan, M. K. , A ; Akhand, M. M. ( 2013 ) .Schemes for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 ( 2 ) , 1-14. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Pakdel Estaikhbijari, Z. A ; Khodareza, M. ( 2012 ) .The Effects of Warm-up Tasks on the Persian EFL Students ‘ Writing Ability. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Peterson, D. ( 2010 ) .Warm-Up Exercises. [ Online ] Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( September 17, 2010 ) Velandia, R. ( 2008 ) .The Role of Warming Up Activities in Adolescent Students’ Involvement During the English Class. Profile Journal, 10, 9-26. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Walqui, A. ( 2006) . Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual Model. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9 ( 2 ) , 159- 180. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Walqui.pdf Joshi, M. ( 2006 ) .Diverseness in Lecture-Delivery. Journal of NELTA, 11 ( 1-2 ) , 1-151. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Krishnan, L. A. , A ; Hoon, L. H. ( 2002 ) .Diaries: hearing to ‘voices’ from the multicultural schoolroom. ELT Journal, 56 ( 3 ) , 227-239. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // sid=c6d03ada-4f81-4786- 819c-78335f7f594a Cardenas, M. L. ( 2001 ) .Reacting to Children ‘s Learning Styles. How, 8, 17-22. Robertson, C. , A ; Acklam, R. ( 2000 ) .Action Plan for Teachers a usher to learning English. London, UK: BBC World Service. Kay, C. ( 1995 ) .Scott Foresman English series. Baltimore, Maryland: Scott Foresman. Carrell, P. L. ( 1983 ) .Some Issues in Analyzing the Role of Schemata, or Background Knowledge, in Second Language Comprehension. Reading in a foreign linguistic communication, 1 ( 2 ) , 81-92. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite The Effects of Warm up in Learning Second Language, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Entrepreneurship Report FoodieFit Business †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship Report FoodieFit Business. Answer: Introduction Entrepreneurship is the form of exploring the different things with different people. The term eliminates the stereotypical conceptualized model used in the business process. The three crucial characteristics, such as risk taking, venturing, and innovations, are the major components of entrepreneurship business (Schaper et al., 2014). The entrepreneurship businesses are sometimes conceptualized as the professional application of the skills, knowledge, and competencies of introducing new ideas. The study will discuss the launch of FoodieFit, offers the healthy meal services to the corporate across the Mauritius market. The study will present the identification, description, and analysis of the opportunities. The recognition of the business suitability will be disclosed in this study to determine the successive progress of this entrepreneurship business. FoodieFit is the entrepreneurship business that offers the healthy meal services to the corporate people in Mauritius. It is often noticed that people stay busy due to their tight schedule at office. They usually work in a shift from 8/9o clock in the morning due to which they hardly find time to prepare healthy diets for their breakfast or lunch. Apart from this Tiffin delivery services, FooodieFit has been offering the healthy diet advices to the business corporate. Currently, people are much conscious about the healthy diet. However, due to the busy work schedule, they are unable to prepare the healthy food. The company is focusing on such requirements and delivering the healthy food for breakfast and lunch. People can order for the food as per their convenience and it will be delivered within time. Opportunity Recognition process It is to be indicated that opportunities are created by building different innovative ideas and entrepreneurial activities. The environment of the entrepreneurs usually cannot be altered much significantly. However, it is also noticed that some of the people make their choices to launch new business entity by recognizing the opportunities (Richter, Kraus and Syrj 2015). Simultaneously, they need to face some of the external constraints related to the economic parameter. In such cases, it is necessary to identify the right opportunity and establish the business according to such consequences. In case of FoodieFit, it has been noted that the business people in Mauritius are unable to schedule their time for preparing healthy meals. However, they even need to continue with their daily official works. In addition to this, some of the people even prefer diverse foods that are sometimes unavailable in the local market. The entrepreneur company recognizes such opportunities to sell the meal s to these business officials for their breakfast and lunches. The company has even set up the online store in which the target customers can order to get their food delivered in a proper place and within the time. Hence, it can be stated that the company can earn much profitability by developing this food delivery business in the Mauritius market. Description of the Opportunity In order to launch a new business in a country, it is necessary to pay the attention to the economic structure in a specific way (Chen and Zhang 2015). Once the opportunity is identified, it is essential to describe them in a structured way. The business opportunities for the entrepreneurs are mainly based on three basic criteria. The first and foremost demands of the opportunity description are to recognize the need or the problem. The business is needed to be structured in order to resolve the addressed problem. The need and demands are always intangible (Shrader and Hills 2015). Hence, it is necessary to address and resolve the identified issues by launching the necessary product or services. In order to avail the opportunities, it is essential to develop the innovative business ideas that can satisfy the needs and the demands of the target customers. The customers usually seek for the value added services and the convenient services from the company (Gartner, Carter and Hills 2016). Therefore, it is essential to keep the concentration on the best business features that cannot be replicated by other competitors. Description of the target market is essential for every entrepreneurship businesses. An entrepreneur usually builds up the idea of establishing the business entity that can satisfy the demands of the customers and ensure profitability for long run (Maine, Soh and Dos Santos 2015). Hence, it is essential to set the target market and develop the product or service as per their needs and convenience. These three major factors are essential for an entrepreneurship business in terms of availing the market opportunities. In case of FoodieFit, it has been noted that the target customer is the business professionals who face trouble in preparing healthy food due to lack of time. They usually end up having high-calorie food for their breakfast and lunch. However, it is essential for them to consumer the healthy food to stay fit and competitive. Therefore, the company has the significant opportunity to deliver the demanding foods to these business professionals by keeping focus on the healthy diets. Moreover, the company is also focusing on providing the healthy diet charts to these business professionals for keeping them fit. The identification of the sources to take the orders is necessary for the company. In such cases, the online media would be much preferable. People can order their breakfast or lunch through online sites, and the foods will be delivered to the customers. Such conv enience would be much attractive to the target customers. The advancements of the technologies are even enhancing the scope of sustaining and increasing the business market shares for the entrepreneurs. Therefore, the business has the significant opportunities to launch the business. Analysis of the Opportunity It is already mentioned that the opportunities are needed to be created by ensuring the sufficient resources and capabilities of the business (Mainela, Puhakka and Servais 2014). The business market demands the fulfillment of the customers needs, organizing the internal activities, and earning profitability for the business growth. The FoodieFit is launched for delivering the healthy foods for breakfasts and lunches for the business professionals in Mauritius. The company also attempts to provide the healthy diet charts to these business professionals since they are much conscious about their health. However, one of the major factors that the entrepreneurship business needs to be concerned about is the market feasibility (cs, Autio and Szerb 2014). It is essential for the business to understand the economic structure of the market. Moreover, the acceptability of the business in the market is also necessary to be recognized. Hence, this section of the study will recognize the feasibil ity of the Mauritius market structure for launching this food delivery business by FoodieFit. The analysis of the market and the economic structure will be discussed in this section of the study. Accordingly, the study will also highlight whether this entrepreneurship business will be able to grow in this market for long run or not. Industry/ Market Currently, Mauritius is supporting the women rights to earn by establishing their entrepreneurship businesses, be it delivering the Tiffin services or clothes. The Mauritius government is recognizing the current trends on the market that may help in growing economy of the country. The people in the country are much concerned about their health. They prefer the healthy and nutritious food (Kumar 2015). However, the current competition in the business markets does not allow them to invest more time on preparing the healthy food for the breakfasts and lunches. Therefore, there are the demands of healthy Tiffin services. There is the high demand of the Tiffin or nutritious food delivery services for the business professionals. However, it is noted that the people in Mauritius prefer lower price of the products and services due to the lower economy growth. Hence, while structuring the new business entity, it is necessary to understand the market feasibility and the demands of the customer s (Smith, Halton, and Strachan 2014). Moreover, the sequential parameter of the customers preferences is also necessary to be developed. The use of the online media and online sites for ordering foods and clothes is also in trend. Therefore, the food delivery services will be operated via online mediums. Economics It is reported that the economic structure of Mauritius market grew only 3% in the year of 2015. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed that if the country can undertake the sound economic policies, it would favor the medium-term outlook in a significant way. It is significantly noticed that various challenges are the reasons behind the slow growth of Mauritius economy. The market has the sensitive pricing structure (Beedessee, Ramanjooloo and Marie 2015). The purchasers often have to give the best effort to find the best deal of the use of the products or the services. The current market is highlighting the growing trend by providing the best services or products at lowest prices. In fact, it has been observed that the disposable income is in the verge of declining that has been leading the customers towards become more cautious about the spending behaviour ( 2017). As a result, some of the projects have been facing the recognizable challenges in main taining the proper financial structure (Vossenberg 2013). However, there is the solution for mitigating the issues faced by the financial sectors of the country. The increasing level of the entrepreneurship businesses and the confidence in the business growth can remarkably increase the economic growth in Mauritius ( 2017). Similarly, FoodieFit needs to develop the e-business at the initial stage to minimize the venture costs and increase the profit parameter. If the company can deal through the online websites, it will be much cost-effective. In fact, the company even needs to pay attention towards the pricing structure of the foods that depends on the economic parameter of the entire Mauritius. Personal Criteria The identification of the market trend and economic structure highlights the feasibility of opening this entrepreneurship business. However, apart from paying attention towards such factors, it is necessary to keep the focus on several personal criteria as well. The company has the significant opportunity to deliver the demanding foods to these business professionals by keeping focus on the healthy diets. For example, the business needs to consider the target market, the budget, and the selected medium for business promotions. FoodieFit is aiming to provide the food services to the working professionals who have lesser time to prepare the healthy foods for their breakfast. The target market for the business is thus the business class people who are much conscious about the healthy diet. This entrepreneurship company has decided to invest MUR150000- MUR200000 for establishing the venture. The budget will be utilized for purchasing the ingredient to prepare the food, delivery charges, the shipping facilities, ventures, the online websites, and the promotional activities (Boso et al. 2016). On the other hand, the selection of the relevant promotional media is also necessary to spread the awareness among the target customer group (Lundstrm et al. 2014). The business may establish the online official websites for providing the information to the business officials. The leaflet type menu cards can be handed over to the corporate areas in Mauritius. The positive word of mouth will also help the business to spread awareness among the corporates or the working professionals in Mauritius. Conclusions The entire study determines that FoodieFit has the sheer opportunity to establish the entrepreneurship business in Mauritius market. However, the slow growth of the economy can be the obstacle for expecting the future growth. 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