Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Robotical Health Research essays

Robotical Health Research essays Health care can be described as the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions. Health research is in fact a major component of health care. Without health researchers, our world of medicine would not be as advanced as it is today. However, I feel that technological research, an area of health research that may be advancing to quickly, is unnecessary and should no longer be pursued. It can be said that health care can increase the longevity and the quality of life. However, the use of technology is not necessary to achieve a healthy society. Medical practice can still occur without the fancies of robotics and computers. Most of it could be done by old fashion medical practice. In my opinion, some of a physicians equipment are just present to make it easier for him/her to perform their jobs. Their medical practice can still occur without technological aids. For example, recently, a type of computerized surgery has been put to the test; a surgeon in one location was operating on a patient several of thousands of kilometres away in a high-tech mobile theatre unit. If robotic surgeons are constantly being produced to make doctors lives easier, they will eventually begin to replace surgeons and there will no longer be a need for doctors. Machines do not make mistakes like humans do. When the choice of choosing a robot or a human arises, who in the right mind would choose an error-making human when they could purchase a machine that is 100% accurate and can work 24/7? Although new technology can be very accurate and precise during procedures, they are still fairly new and not put into common practice. They pose certain risks such as increasing the length of operations. This means that patients spend more time under anesthesia or on a hearth-lung machine and both these situati ...

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